Invited speakers


Corinne NARDIN

Professor at the university of PAU and researcher at the institute IPREM

Her research interests: self-assembly of copolymers, characterization by radiation scattering and advanced surface characterization technique (reflectometry), polymer-biological macromolecules functional co-assembly.

About the speaker

Her invited talk on Wednesday 29th at 9:20 am will be about:

Bio-interfaces: environmental and human health threats sensing and prevention
(Download the abstract: pdf, 166 Ko)



Prof. Dr. Mark Tibbitt is professor at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) and the head of the Macromolecular Engineering Laboratory at ETH Zürich. His research is focused on the development of complex material structures and chemistries for biomedical applications. By studying the fundamental processes of biology and materials science, his aim is to produce tangible technologies with clinical and societal impact in the fields of regenerative medicine, drug delivery and biomedical diagnostics. The research in his lab is highly multidisciplinary with group members coming from diverse backgrounds ranging from biology to engineering. His research covers various topics and among them: the design of biomaterial scaffolds with controlled biochemical and mechanical properties for 3D cell culture, the production of nanoparticles for drug delivery applications, 3D printed scaffolds for tissue regeneration and the development of hydrogels for thermal stabilization of complex biomolecules.

Website of the speaker

His invited talk on Wednesday 29th at 2:00 pm will be about:

Engineering the interface between living and non-living materials with 3D-printed hydrogels
(Download the abstract: pdf, 100 Ko)



A pioneer in systems biology and synthetic biology, Franck Molina, CNRS senior researcher and director of the Modeling and Engineering of Complex Biological Systems for Diagnosis laboratory, has gone from modeling biological systems, such as cells, to manufacturing them. Franck Molina received the CNRS 2020 innovation medal: alliance with industry for quality basic research.

About the speaker

His invited talk on Thursday 30th at 9:00 am will be about:

Biomachines design for next generation medical diagnostic
(Download the abstract: pdf, 100 Ko)

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